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Do you want to learn to read Biblical Hebrew?

The Hebrew Bible will teach you

Did you ever want to read the Creation Story in the original Hebrew?
Do you dream of becoming a translator from Hebrew into your own language?

Learn how to read and translate from Bible Online Learner.

It is the way to learn a historic language by practicing language skills, directly from the Hebrew Bible!

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Learn and practice in the ground-breaking Bible Online Learner

Learning any language takes hundreds of hours and effort. Our solution is perfect for dedicated and self-driven students who get absorbed in their learning activities like in a game and enjoy their progress.

Bible Online Learner enables the learner to do exercises created by the Biblical text. Learners define their own individual goals and can study and practice online any time they want. Personal dedication is the only limit!

Developed based on 50 years experience and modern learning theory !

Nicolai Winther-Nielsen has taught Biblical Hebrew for decades. He lead the development of Bible Online Learner in a European Union funded project 2010-2013. He has created his course material for Biblical Hebrew from his teaching experience in classes in Denmark and Africa.

He has had a position as Professor of Hebrew Bible and Information Technology at Fjellhaug International University College in Oslo until 2023. He is an affiliated researcher at the Eep Talstra Centre for Bible and Computer at the VU University in Amsterdam
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Nicolai Winther-Nielsen

Biblical Hebrew course overview

Course detail

  • Study duration: Depends on activity
  • Student level Beginner, Basic or Advanced
  • Intensity: Self-paced
  • Modules: 3 modules

3 Advanced

The advanced course covers 25 additional pages of Biblical Hebrew from the Stuttgartensia Edition. It is aimed at instructors, consultants and PhD students. It is accessible in recorded online sessions.
Only learners who have passed the tests at the end of the Intermediate level should proceed to this level.

1 Beginner

Learners master reading of the creation story in Genesis 1 after some 30-40 hours of work. They also learn the basics about the use of the noun and the most frequent verb forms in Biblical Hebrew.
Learners become familiar with the 100 most frequent vocabulary words. Intensive start-up to be announced

2 Basic

Learners are gradually introduced to all the verb forms of the basic conjugation (the qal) and the other stems in their regular and irregular forms and all other areas of the grammar.
Learners practice the 300 most frequent vocabulary words and continue to study Genesis 1-3 for practice and reading.

Why I recommend Global Learning

Practise when you want to

Frequently asked questions

How do I learn?

Learners are introduced online to grammatical topics and vocabulary through texts and videos.

They immediately test and deepen their understanding through exercises on the Hebrew text.

They can also keep track of their progress and observe, on a daily basis, how well they improve their skills as language learners.

Learners become highly motivated by engaging with the Biblical text from day one.

They begin right away to learn to read the first chapter in the beginning of the Hebrew text of Genesis. They get instant response on their practice from the text. When their answer is not correct, they learn from figuring out what they did wrong.

They monitor their own progress and can compare with the performance of others. They decide how well they want to master any particular subject. The Bible can offer unlimited practice through thousands of exercises.

It’s like a gym. Or a game.


It is up to you! The outcome depends entirely on the practice of each individual learner. The more you practice, the more you learn!

Many Bachelor students have passed a test on reading 30 chapters from the Hebrew Bible in only 4 months.  However, most learners will use a year or two to reach the Advanced level.

The best results are achieved if you study and practice at least a couple of hours a day.

You should try the Hebrew course for free. It is the only way to learn if you are able to learn through online practice.

You do not give away your credit card information when you register for free online trial. After two weeks you pay by PayPal for access to the course material:

  • 25 dollars per month
  • 60 dollars for 3 months
  • 100 dollars for 6 months

Reduced rates are available for potential instructors in Africa or in collaboration with Partners.

We offer a Certificate of Performance for learners at a small fee if they want to document their level and achievement in Biblical Hebrew.

You can of course use this new learning method in addition to courses in a Hebrew programme at your university, seminary or academy.

In classroom settings all students have got average to top scores when they practiced well.

We can offer an online accredited exam for the Advanced level (40 US Credits/20 ECTS) for EU/EØS citizens in Norway at an affordable price, but all others will pay several thousand dollars. We seek Partners who will collaborate with us to guarantee valid credits in Africa and elsewhere.

Of course you can!

The Online Professor and assistant instructors will offer online sessions on demand. You will practice reading, translation and understanding of the grammar of the texts. We answer your questions.

Instruction will be offered on demand. When and how will be announced in our blog. Usually Wednesdays at 9 am CET (optimal for US, Europe and Asia) or 5 pm CET (optimal for Europe and the US), but other days can also be arranged, if necessary.

Intensive Master Class upstart Monday to Friday August 19-24 in Addis Abeba, but also available online during the Fall. It is designed for students who have passed the tests for the Basic level.

Upstart when and where will be announced, but usually Tuesdays.

It’s for everyone! You can adapt it to any personal goal you may have.

It is for pastors or teachers of the Bible, and anybody interested in the original Hebrew langugages.

You can use our learning material as a beginner to start from scratch or you can use it to refresh your rusty Hebrew or you can use it to qualify for university or as a translation advisor.

We offer training and skills for what would cost thousands of dollars in fees at many universities or seminaries.

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contact: info@theonlineprofessor.org